In this lesson we learn how to use Ultrasonic sensor to measure distance. Wiring is explained. Installing library is shown and code is explained. then
In this video we learn hwo to use and control servo motors with Arduino. First we learn what a servo motor is. then we explain
In this lesson we learn what interrupt is and using two practial example, code and demonstration we learn how to intrrupt a delay. The seond
In this lesson we learn how to use Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor to detetect obstacles. Then we learn how to add action in the code
In this lesson we learn how to use SunFounder soil moisture sensor to measure the soil moisture. Then we determine wetness and dryness of soil
In this lesson we learn how to use millis() function with explanation and examples. We implement it such that Arduino program runs without delay and
In this video we learn how to use XY Joystick with Arduino. We learn how to detect position of joystick and when the button is
In this lesson we learn how to use Arduino programming functions and switch. 4 Example is given so you learn it in the best possible
Lesson 11: What is Arduino library and How to use DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor | SunFounder
In this lesson we learn what library is, how to isntall it from IDE via repository, from IDE using zip file or downloading and installing
In this lesson we learn about IF, ESLE and ELSE IF statements. then we learn how to define an array, how to fill it up,